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Speaking Request








Thank you for your interest in booking Coach Hamilton to speak to your organization. Please complete the booking form below. Please feel free to call or text our office at 305-915-6210 for any additional information and we will contact you promptly.


Robert Hamilton has experienced an extraordinary 40-year career as a Sales and Marketing executive with 7 fortune 100 companies. Mr. Hamilton spearheaded the worldwide marketing of NBA Hall of famer, Shaquille O'Neal while serving as a product manager for the $275 million Reebok International Basketball division.


Robert has also served as a Head Basketball Coach on the High School and Collegiate levels. Coach Hamilton was awarded the National "Coach of the year" by the Center for the Study of Sports In society and was inducted into New England Basketball Hall of Fame as a Player and Coach, class of 2015.

 Coach Robert C. Hamilton, CEO

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The Power Of Education

Passion Powered Performance

Purpose Driven Performance

Overcoming the Five Fatal Flaws that cause Failure

Walking in Winning Ways

Leaning Into Leadership

Fighting For Your Future

Closing the Gap between Winning In Business and Winning In Sports

Les Brown Ambassador

Certified: Speaker-Trainer-Coach



Click Book Now to schedule a Telephone, In Person, or Zoom appointment.

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